Gratitude for the Mat

mat_fall_my-yoga-onlineI lay you down to greet the sun,
a firm base for my tadasana.

You grab my hands as I bow down,
securing my pose in your grip,
never the first to let go.

As breath stretches limbs,
heavy memories trapped in
cells shed from my skin.
You fold them up in your tight lips,
never to speak of them again.

You are my rock, my roots,
my cradle in Savasana.
You transform from solid to soft,
echoing the process of practice.
Only you witness those sweet divine moments
when tears slip from my face to yours.

A closing OM benediction
soaks into your fibers,
ending our union for now.
I say goodbye with a curl of my fingers
and fasten you up,
hoping to soon meet again.

And so, my loyal friend,
rolled in the corner
like a fresh cut log,
waiting in your quiver to be
unwrapped for worship,
I thank you.

~ Randi Martin

On March 20th marks our Spring Solstice. Join us to honour the yin yang of the Universe for 108 Sun Salutations at Yoga Public led by Shivaun Berg. The event will be followed by Kirtan with Adrienne Shum.
Click on the underlined event links for more details. For the 108 Sun Salutations, follow the link for Class Schedule and choose March 20 for date.

Yay! Spring…

Namaste. =)






  1. Love this! I finally just updated to a new mat after so many years on the same one. When I got the old one at target, I don’t think I realized how often I’d be seeing it, and that it’s actually a really important purchase!


    • Lol it is! I have gone through several mats over the years. I am on my fifth and has lasted as the longest friendship so far. It’s a Jade mat but I recently tried the Manduka and am veering towards new companionship!
      How did Shadow Yoga turn out for you? xo


      • The Manduka is what I just got and it’s a little more slippery than I had hoped. My hands really have to work not to slide in Down Dog. I’m wondering if they get stickier as time passes…the Jade looks like it doesn’t slide so much– what do you think? I haven’t made it to Shadow yoga yet– turns out it’s not as close as I had originally thought- the one near me is an advanced class so not a great place to start.


        • What I tried was a Manduka Eko Natural Tree Rubber mat. The grip is fantastic! I wasn’t slipping and it was 5mm so my knees were very happy as well. Usually I double up on my Jade since it’s only 3mm.

          Did you inquire about the advanced classes? Maybe you can do it since you’ve been practicing long enough. Considering, too you did Mysore. I have always been intimidated by Mysore but here I am now… falling in love with it each time I practice.


  2. […] 108 Sun Salutations. Most of the folks I’ve told and invited to join me think it’s crazy. That I’m crazy. I have read a lot about this and have been meaning to participate for ages. Friday, March 20th, Spring Solstice, has been that very day to be a part of it. […]


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